Monday, September 7, 2009


Image courtesy of MSU Moorhead's Glogster Tutorial

Just came across another cool student-centred elearning tool. Its called Glogster, and it allows you to create free interactive posters, also known as 'glogs'. The posters can include text, audio (MP3), images, videos and special effects. If using Glogster, students have complete freedom of expression. Glogs can then be viewed either directly from glogster or they can be inserted into wikis, web pages and blogs.
There is now also Glogster EDU which is for educational use and allows for some teacher control. With Glogster EDU teachers privately register their learners to create a safe 'virtual classroom'. In this way, teaching 'glogs' are private and can only be viewed by anyone who isn't registered in the class with permission from the teacher.

Just another cool tool that is worth having a play around with!

1 comment:

  1. Bethanie - wow, another great new e-tool. Thank you for sharing what you have found. When I get the time, I'm certainly going to play around with this.
